The Ultimate Guide for Enhancing Your Brain Health Naturally

Optimizing Neurotransmitters with Plant-Based Foods and Sustainable Lifestyle Strategies

Enhancing Brain Health Naturally - Balancing Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, GABA, norepinephrine, and glutamate play pivotal roles in regulating mood, energy levels, cognitive function, and general well-being. When these chemicals are in balance, they contribute to a stable mood, clear thinking, and effective stress management, which are essential for overall mental health. Furthermore, this balance impacts physical health, as many neurotransmitters also regulate bodily functions like sleep, appetite, and pain response.

By incorporating specific plant-based foods into your daily diet, you can effectively influence the levels of these crucial neurotransmitters. Additionally, integrating certain behaviors and activities into your routine - such as regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and social interactions - can further enhance their production and regulation.

Choosing plant-based foods to optimize brain health is also a powerful way to reduce your carbon footprint. Eating meat is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (estimated at 14.5%).

This article explains the function of each neurotransmitter and how to optimize levels of each naturally.

SECTIONS: dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, GABA, norepinephrine, glutamate, combined recommendations and benefits


Balanced dopamine levels

  • Description: Often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, dopamine is associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation.
  • Impact: It plays a crucial role in our ability to experience pleasure and satisfaction, influences motivation, and is involved in motor control. Low levels are associated with reduced enthusiasm and motivation, while excessively high levels have been linked to addictive behaviors and certain psychiatric disorders.
  • Recommendations:

  • Organic Foods: Almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, soy products like tofu and tempeh, black beans, other beans, lentils, quinoa, whole grains, chickpeas, avocados, bananas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, chard, and spinach, and iron-fortified cereals. These provide the following important nutrients: tyrosine, phenylalanine, magnesium, iron (non-heme), and B6.
  • Avoid: Excessive sugar and saturated fats.
  • Adopt: Regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and activities that you enjoy and find rewarding.
  • Type of Exercise: Aerobic exercises like running, cycling, swimming, and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) are effective.
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity most days of the week.

Nature-Based Activities:
Gardening: Engaging with nature and seeing the results of your efforts can increase dopamine levels.
Hiking in nature: Exploring new trails provides a sense of achievement and discovery.
Foraging for wild foods: The anticipation and reward of finding food can boost dopamine.

  • Benefits of Balanced Dopamine:

  • 1. Improved Mood and Well-being

    • You would generally feel more positive and happier.
    • Experiences of joy from everyday activities would be more profound.
    • There would be a reduction in feelings of sadness or depression.

    2. Enhanced Motivation and Focus

    • Tasks, whether big or small, would feel more manageable.
    • You'd find it easier to start tasks and stay motivated to complete them.
    • Concentration levels would improve, making it easier to focus on work, studies, or hobbies.

    3. Better Stress Management

    • Balanced dopamine levels help in coping with stress more effectively.
    • You would feel more resilient in the face of challenges.
    • The recovery from stressful events would be quicker and more efficient.

    4. Healthy Reward System

    • You'd experience a healthy balance of pleasure from activities like eating, exercise, and social interactions without the need for excessive indulgence.
    • There would be less risk of developing addictive behaviors, as the reward system would not be overly dependent on external substances or activities for dopamine release.

    5. Stable Energy Levels

    • Energy levels would be more consistent throughout the day.
    • There would be less likelihood of experiencing extreme highs followed by crashes, which can happen with imbalanced dopamine levels.

    6. Improved Sleep Patterns

    • Dopamine levels influence the sleep-wake cycle, so balanced levels can contribute to healthier sleep patterns.
    • You would find it easier to fall asleep and maintain a restful sleep throughout the night.


Balanced serotonin levels

  • Description: This neurotransmitter is key in regulating mood, anxiety, and happiness.
  • Impact: Serotonin influences mood and emotions, helps regulate sleep cycles and appetite, and impacts cognitive functions like memory and learning. Low levels are often associated with depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.
  • Recommendations:

  • Organic Foods: Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds, algae omega supplements, hemp seeds, soy products like tofu and tempeh, beans, lentils, oats, avocados, bananas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, and B12-fortified foods. These provide the following important nutrients: tryptophan, folate, omega-3 fatty acids, B6, and B12.
  • Avoid: Diets high in sugar and processed foods.
  • Adopt: Exposure to natural light, regular exercise, and mindfulness practices like meditation.
  • Type of Exercise: Aerobic exercises, along with activities like yoga and Pilates, which also help with stress reduction.
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes of moderate activity most days. Even a brisk 20-minute walk can be beneficial.

Nature-Based Activities:
Spending time in sunlight: Exposure to sunlight increases vitamin D levels, which is linked to serotonin production.
Walking in nature: Regular walks in green spaces can improve mood and increase serotonin levels.
Meditation outdoors: Practices like yoga or meditation in natural settings can enhance inner peace and serotonin.

  • Benefits of Balanced Serotonin:

  • 1. Stable Mood

    • You would generally experience stable and positive moods.
    • There would be fewer instances of mood swings or sudden shifts in emotions.
    • Feelings of well-being and contentment would be more common.

    2. Reduced Anxiety and Stress

    • Balanced serotonin levels are associated with lower anxiety levels.
    • You would feel more capable of handling stress without becoming overwhelmed.
    • There would be a sense of calmness and composure in challenging situations.

    3. Improved Sleep Quality

    • Serotonin plays a role in the regulation of sleep cycles.
    • Having balanced levels would contribute to falling asleep more easily and experiencing restful, uninterrupted sleep.
    • You would wake up feeling more refreshed and alert.

    4. Enhanced Cognitive Functions

    • Balanced serotonin levels can improve memory, focus, and cognitive processing.
    • Decision-making and problem-solving abilities would be enhanced.
    • You may find it easier to concentrate and complete tasks.

    5. Healthy Appetite and Digestion

    • Serotonin has a significant impact on appetite and digestion.
    • You would likely have a healthy appetite, and your digestive system would function more efficiently.
    • It can help regulate eating behaviors and signals of fullness and hunger.

    6. Social Engagement and Relationships

    • People with balanced serotonin levels often find social interactions more rewarding and less stressful.
    • It can lead to improved relationships and a greater sense of belonging and connection with others.
    • There would be a natural inclination towards empathy and understanding in social settings.

    7. Reduced Risk of Depression

    • Adequate levels of serotonin are linked to a lower risk of depression and other mood disorders.
    • Emotional resilience would be stronger, making it easier to cope with life's ups and downs.

    8. Pain Regulation

    • Serotonin plays a role in the perception of pain.
    • Balanced levels can lead to a decreased sensitivity to pain, contributing to a higher pain threshold.

    9. Overall Physical Well-being

    • Since serotonin impacts various bodily functions, balanced levels contribute to a sense of overall physical health and well-being.
    • It can positively affect cardiovascular health, bone density, and other physiological functions.


Balanced endorphins levels

  • Description: These are natural opioid-like neurotransmitters produced by the body in response to stress, discomfort, or pain. They are often referred to as "feel-good" chemicals because they can induce feelings of pleasure and reduce the perception of pain.
  • Impact: Endorphins are known for their ability to induce feelings of pain relief and euphoria. They're released during activities like exercise, eating, or laughter, helping to improve mood and reduce stress and pain.
  • Recommendations:

  • Organic Foods: Spicy foods (like chili peppers), cacao powder, almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, nuts, soy products like tofu and tempeh, black beans, citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, bananas, spinach, chard, bell peppers, broccoli, and in general foods that are enjoyable or linked to comfort. These provide the following important nutrients: phenylalanine, tyrosine, magnesium, and C.
  • Avoid: Overeating, which can lead to a negative feedback loop.
  • Adopt: Regular physical activity, laughter, volunteering, and activities that give a sense of accomplishment.
  • Type of Exercise: High-intensity activities like sprinting, weight lifting, and HIIT are particularly effective at releasing endorphins.
  • Duration: Activities can be shorter in duration; even 20-30 minutes can be sufficient.

Nature-Based Activities:
Running or brisk walking in parks: Physical activity, especially in green spaces, can trigger endorphin release.
Laughing and socializing outdoors: Group activities or sports can be fun and stimulate endorphin production.
Gardening: Engaging in strenuous gardening activities like digging can also release endorphins.

  • Benefits of Balanced Endorphins:

  • 1. Improved Natural Pain Management

    • Your body would be more effective at managing pain naturally.
    • Minor injuries or chronic pains would be less bothersome, as endorphins act to dull pain and increase tolerance.

    2. Enhanced Mood

    • Endorphins are key to feeling happy and euphoric. With balanced levels, you'd likely experience a consistently positive mood.
    • They can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, leading to a more optimistic outlook on life.

    3. Increased Stress Resilience

    • Balanced endorphin levels can help buffer the effects of stress, making you more resilient to life's pressures and challenges.
    • You'd likely find it easier to relax and maintain calmness in stressful situations.

    4. Boosted Pleasure During Physical Activity

    • Activities that typically increase endorphin levels, such as exercise, would be especially rewarding.
    • You might feel what's often called a "runner's high" after a vigorous workout, making physical activity more enjoyable and motivating.

    5. Improved Self-Esteem

    • The positive feelings associated with balanced endorphin levels can lead to a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem.
    • Accomplishments, both big and small, would feel more rewarding.

    6. Enhanced Immune System Function

    • There's evidence to suggest that endorphins can help boost the immune system, making you less likely to get sick.
    • With balanced levels, your body's defenses against infections and diseases could be stronger.

    7. Better Sleep Patterns

    • Endorphins can also help regulate sleep patterns, contributing to a more restful and uninterrupted sleep.
    • You'd wake up feeling more refreshed and rejuvenated.

    8. Social Bonding

    • Endorphins play a role in social interactions by promoting feelings of connection and trust.
    • You'd likely find socializing more enjoyable, and relationships could be deeper and more fulfilling.

    9. Reduced Dependency on Substances

    • People with balanced endorphin levels might have a lower tendency to seek out artificial sources of pleasure or pain relief, such as drugs or excessive alcohol consumption.

    10. Overall Sense of Well-being

    • The cumulative effect of balanced endorphin levels is a comprehensive sense of well-being.
    • You'd likely experience a general feeling of happiness and contentment in your daily life.


Balanced oxytocin levels

  • Description: Often dubbed the "love hormone," oxytocin plays a significant role in social bonding, sexual reproduction, childbirth, and post-childbirth.
  • Impact: It fosters bonding and trust, influences social interactions and relationships, and plays a role in maternal behaviors. Low levels may be linked to social anxiety and difficulties in forming strong emotional bonds.
  • Recommendations:

  • Organic Foods: Behaviors have a stronger impact, but the following are helpful: pumpkin seeds, almonds, black beans, bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, chard, citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers, and D-fortified plant milks. These provide the following important nutrients: magnesium, D, and C.
  • Avoid: Excessive stress and social isolation.
  • Adopt: Physical touch, social bonding, petting animals, acts of kindness, and regular exposure to sunlight (for vitamin D).
  • Type of Exercise: Oxytocin release is more associated with social and bonding activities. Group exercises, team sports, or partnered activities like dancing may be effective.
  • Duration: Varies, but engaging in these social exercises regularly is beneficial.

Nature-Based Activities:
Pet walking or animal care: Interacting with animals can increase oxytocin levels.
Community gardening: Working with others to nurture plants fosters a sense of community and bonding.
Outdoor group fitness classes: Exercising together can build social connections and boost oxytocin.

  • Tips for Introverts to Optimize Oxytocin

    While it's commonly associated with close physical contact and intimate relationships, there are various ways to optimize oxytocin levels, even for introverts who may need to balance social activities with their preference for solitude. Here are some strategies:

    Physical Touch:
    For introverts, this doesn't necessarily mean large social gatherings. Simple acts like hugging a family member, petting a dog or cat, or even a massage can increase oxytocin. Engaging in activities that involve gentle, comforting physical contact, like a yoga class where adjustments might be offered, can be another option.

    Meaningful Conversations:
    Deep, one-on-one conversations with a close friend or family member can be more comfortable for introverts than group settings. Participating in small book clubs or discussion groups where the focus is on the subject rather than socializing might be more appealing.

    Acts of Kindness and Volunteer Work:
    Doing something nice for others, even in small ways, can boost oxytocin. This could be as simple as writing a thoughtful letter, helping a neighbor with gardening, or baking for friends. Volunteering for causes you care about, like animal shelters or community gardens, can be fulfilling without requiring extensive social interaction.

    Spending Time with Animals:
    Spending time with pets is a great way to increase oxytocin. Walking a dog, cuddling with a cat, or even watching fish in an aquarium can be soothing and fulfilling.

    Engaging in Creative Activities:
    Creative activities like painting, writing, or playing music can be both solitary and emotionally fulfilling, potentially stimulating an oxytocin response due to the joy and satisfaction derived from these activities.

    Mindfulness and Meditation:
    Practices like mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation (metta) can increase feelings of connectedness and empathy, potentially boosting oxytocin even in the absence of direct social interaction.

    Enjoying Nature:
    Spending time in nature, like going for walks in a park or hiking, can be a solitary yet fulfilling activity that enhances emotional well-being.

    Listening to Music or Watching Movies:
    Listening to your favorite music or watching movies that evoke strong, positive emotions can also contribute to a sense of connection and well-being.

    For introverts, balancing oxytocin-boosting activities with the need for alone time is crucial. It's important to choose activities that feel rewarding and comfortable, rather than overwhelming or excessively draining. Introverts often find fulfillment in deep and meaningful connections or activities, even if they involve fewer social interactions. Remember, quality often trumps quantity when it comes to social connections and emotional well-being.

    Benefits of Balanced Oxytocin:

  • 1. Enhanced Social Connections

    • You would feel more connected to others and find social interactions more rewarding.
    • Relationships, both platonic and romantic, would likely be stronger and more fulfilling due to increased empathy and bonding.

    2. Increased Trust and Empathy

    • Balanced oxytocin levels can enhance feelings of trust towards others, making it easier to form close relationships and social bonds.
    • You'd be more likely to empathize with others, understanding their feelings and viewpoints better.

    3. Reduced Anxiety and Fear

    • Oxytocin has a calming effect on the brain, which can help reduce feelings of anxiety and fear.
    • You might find it easier to navigate social situations or public spaces without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

    4. Improved Mood

    • The hormone has mood-boosting properties, contributing to a general sense of well-being and happiness.
    • You would likely experience a stable and positive mood more consistently.

    5. Enhanced Parental Behaviors

    • For parents, balanced oxytocin levels can enhance bonding with children, making caregiving behaviors more intuitive and rewarding.
    • It plays a significant role in mother-infant bonding, as well as in the formation of strong emotional connections between parents and their children.

    6. Increased Sexual Satisfaction

    • Oxytocin is released in response to sexual activity and plays a key role in sexual arousal and satisfaction.
    • Relationships could benefit from a deeper emotional connection and intimacy.

    7. Better Stress Management

    • The hormone can help mitigate the stress response, making it easier to manage stress and recover from stressful events.
    • You might find that you're able to remain more composed and clear-headed when faced with challenges.

    8. Improved Pain Tolerance

    • Oxytocin can also play a role in pain relief, increasing pain tolerance. This could lead to a diminished perception of pain in certain conditions.

    9. Enhanced Group Cohesion and Cooperation

    • In group settings, balanced oxytocin levels can promote cooperation and a sense of belonging, making teamwork more effective and satisfying.

    10. Overall Sense of Contentment

    • With balanced oxytocin levels, you would likely feel a strong sense of contentment and satisfaction in your life, especially in the context of your relationships with others.

GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)

Balanced GABA levels

  • Description: The primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, GABA helps reduce neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system.
  • Impact: It promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and helps with sleep. Low levels of GABA can lead to anxiety, mood disorders, and epilepsy.
  • Recommendations:

  • Organic Foods: Fermented foods (like kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh), pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, cashews, almonds, black beans, lentils, chickpeas, whole grains, spinach, chard, cabbage, beets, parsley, avocados, bananas, and potatoes. These provide the following important nutrients: glutamine, magnesium, zinc, and B6.
  • Avoid: Caffeine and processed foods.
  • Adopt: Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness.
  • Type of Exercise: Yoga and tai chi are particularly effective, as well as moderate aerobic exercises.
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes, several times a week.

Nature-Based Activities:
Forest bathing (Shinrin-yoku): The practice of being in nature and taking in the forest atmosphere can promote relaxation and increase GABA levels.
Tai chi or Qi Gong in nature: These gentle exercises can calm the mind and reduce stress.
Sitting by a lake: Quiet, contemplative activities near water can help induce a meditative state that increases GABA.

  • Benefits of Balanced GABA:

  • 1. Improved Stress Management

    • You would likely find it easier to manage stress, as balanced GABA levels help regulate the body's stress response.
    • Situations that might normally cause anxiety or panic would be more manageable, allowing for a calmer and more composed reaction.

    2. Reduced Anxiety

    • With balanced GABA levels, feelings of anxiety would be less frequent and intense. This is because GABA naturally counters the brain's excitatory signals associated with anxiety.
    • You might feel more relaxed in situations that previously made you anxious.

    3. Enhanced Mood Stability

    • Balanced GABA levels contribute to overall mood stability, reducing the likelihood of mood swings.
    • You would likely experience a general sense of well-being and contentment.

    4. Better Sleep Quality

    • GABA plays a crucial role in sleep regulation. With balanced levels, you would find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night, leading to more restorative sleep.
    • You'd wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested.

    5. Improved Focus and Concentration

    • Although GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, having it in balance helps maintain optimal brain function, which includes the ability to focus and concentrate on tasks.
    • You might find it easier to engage in activities without becoming easily distracted.

    6. Reduced Incidence of Physical Symptoms of Stress

    • Balanced GABA levels can help mitigate the physical symptoms of stress, such as muscle tension, headaches, and stomach issues.
    • Your body would feel more relaxed, and you'd be less likely to experience these stress-related symptoms.

    7. Decreased Risk of Substance Abuse

    • People with balanced GABA levels are less likely to rely on substances like alcohol or sedatives to relax. This is because their nervous system is naturally more balanced and less prone to the discomforts that might lead to substance use for relief.

    8. Enhanced Cognitive Function

    • A balanced GABAergic system supports overall cognitive health, including memory and the ability to process information.
    • You might notice improved mental clarity and decision-making abilities.

    9. Social Ease and Comfort

    • With anxiety and stress more effectively managed, social interactions could become more enjoyable and less taxing.
    • You might find it easier to connect with others and feel more comfortable in social settings.

    10. Overall Physical and Mental Relaxation

    • Balanced GABA levels promote a state of physical and mental relaxation without causing sedation. This means you would feel naturally calm and at ease, rather than feeling artificially slowed down or lethargic.


Balanced norepinephrine levels

  • Description: This neurotransmitter functions both as a stress hormone and neurotransmitter, closely related to adrenaline.
  • Impact: It plays a role in alertness, attention, focus, and stress response. Norepinephrine affects mood, energy levels, and the body’s fight-or-flight response. Imbalances can affect both physical and mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and problems with blood pressure regulation.
  • Recommendations:

  • Organic Foods: Almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, soy products like tofu and tempeh, lentils, citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers, broccoli, avocados, bananas, potatoes, and spinach. These provide the following important nutrients: tyrosine, B6, and C.
  • Avoid: High stress and poor sleep can disrupt its balance.
  • Adopt: Stress management techniques and regular exercise.
  • Type of Exercise: Aerobic exercises like jogging, biking, or swimming, and strength training.
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise most days of the week.

Nature-Based Activities:
Cold water swimming: Exposure to cold water can boost norepinephrine.
Adventure sports in nature: Activities like rock climbing or kayaking can increase alertness and norepinephrine levels.
Cycling or mountain biking: Vigorous exercise can elevate norepinephrine, improving focus and energy.

  • Benefits of Balanced Norepinephrine:

  • 1. Optimal Alertness and Energy

    • You would likely experience a healthy level of alertness and wakefulness throughout the day.
    • Energy levels would be consistent, helping you feel motivated and ready to tackle daily tasks without excessive fatigue.

    2. Improved Mood Regulation

    • Balanced norepinephrine levels are associated with a stable mood. You'd be less prone to sudden mood swings and could have a more positive outlook on life.
    • It plays a part in preventing feelings of depression, contributing to overall emotional well-being.

    3. Enhanced Concentration and Focus

    • Norepinephrine is important for attention and cognitive performance. With balanced levels, you'd find it easier to concentrate and stay focused on tasks or activities, improving productivity and learning.
    • This balance helps in managing attention deficit disorders and enhances cognitive function.

    4. Effective Stress Response

    • A balanced level of norepinephrine enables an appropriate and effective response to stress. You'd be able to remain calm and clear-headed in stressful situations, making it easier to come up with solutions and manage challenges.
    • It helps in adapting to stress without overreaction, maintaining physiological balance during stressful times.

    5. Stable Blood Pressure

    • Norepinephrine affects blood pressure by constricting blood vessels. Balanced levels ensure that blood pressure remains within a healthy range, neither too high nor too low, contributing to overall cardiovascular health.

    6. Improved Response to Physical Activity

    • During exercise, norepinephrine levels increase, helping to improve the body's response to physical activity. With balanced levels, you'd experience enhanced physical performance and endurance, as well as a more enjoyable exercise experience.
    • It also contributes to the body's ability to burn fat, supporting metabolism and weight management.

    7. Reduced Anxiety Levels

    • While norepinephrine is crucial for alertness, too much can lead to anxiety. Balanced levels mean that you would likely experience lower anxiety levels, as the body can maintain a state of calm without unnecessary activation of the fight or flight response.
    • You'd feel more at ease in situations that might otherwise cause undue stress or anxiety.

    8. Better Sleep Quality

    • Though norepinephrine is associated with wakefulness, balanced levels help regulate the sleep-wake cycle, contributing to healthier sleep patterns. You'd find it easier to fall asleep and enjoy restful sleep, as excessive levels that can lead to insomnia are avoided.

    9. Enhanced Recovery from Stress

    • After a stressful event, balanced norepinephrine levels help the body and mind return to a state of calm more quickly. This resilience supports overall mental health and prevents chronic stress.
    • It aids in the recovery process, ensuring that stress does not have a prolonged impact on physical or mental health.

    10. Overall Physical and Mental Well-being

    • With balanced norepinephrine levels, you'd likely enjoy a sense of overall well-being. Physical health is supported through stable blood pressure and improved response to exercise, while mental health benefits from enhanced mood, focus, and stress management.


Balanced glutamate levels

  • Description: As the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the vertebrate nervous system, glutamate is crucial for cognitive functions like learning and memory.
  • Impact: It is essential for neural communication, memory formation, learning, and regulation. However, excessive glutamate can lead to excitotoxicity, damaging neurons, and is implicated in various neurodegenerative disorders.
  • Recommendations:

  • Organic Foods: Pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, soy products like tofu and tempeh, black beans, other beans, peas, lentils, tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, parsley, spinach, chard, avocados, bananas, and potatoes. These provide the following important nutrients: glutamine, magnesium, and B6.
  • Avoid: Excessive MSG and artificial additives.
  • Adopt: Engaging in mentally stimulating activities and maintaining good mental health practices.
  • Type of Exercise: There's less specific research on exercise and glutamate, but a combination of aerobic and strength training could be beneficial.
  • Duration: Regular exercise of any kind, ideally 30-60 minutes most days, is likely beneficial.

Nature-Based Activities:
Learning new outdoor skills: Activities like survival skills, orienteering, or birdwatching can stimulate the brain.
Interactive nature trails: Engaging with educational content about the environment or participating in citizen science projects can enhance cognitive functions.
Problem-solving games in outdoor settings: Participating in treasure hunts or geocaching can boost glutamate and improve learning capabilities.

  • Benefits of Balanced Glutamate:

  • 1. Optimal Brain Function

    • Your brain would function optimally, processing information efficiently and rapidly. This is because glutamate is essential for synaptic plasticity, the basis of learning and memory.

    2. Enhanced Learning and Memory

    • With balanced glutamate levels, you'd likely find it easier to learn new information and recall it later. Glutamate facilitates the strengthening of synapses, which is crucial for learning and memory formation.

    3. Appropriate Response to Stimuli

    • You'd have an appropriate and measured response to environmental stimuli. Glutamate is involved in the brain's processing of responses to stimuli, so balance is key to not overreacting or underreacting to situations.

    4. Stable Mood

    • Balanced glutamate levels can contribute to mood stability. While imbalances in glutamate can be linked to mood disorders, having it in balance helps maintain a more stable emotional state.

    5. Good Mental Health

    • Proper glutamate levels are associated with a lower risk of developing various psychiatric conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. This is because glutamate plays a role in regulating areas of the brain that are involved in these conditions.

    6. Healthy Sleep Patterns

    • Glutamate also influences the sleep-wake cycle. Balanced levels can help regulate this cycle, contributing to healthier sleep patterns and making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

    7. Effective Cognitive Functioning

    • You would experience effective cognitive functioning, including attention, problem-solving, and decision-making. Balanced glutamate levels support cognitive processes by facilitating the appropriate activation of neural circuits.

    8. Controlled Excitability

    • Since glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter, its balance is crucial to prevent excessive neural excitation, which can lead to excitotoxicity and neuronal damage. Balanced levels ensure that brain activity is excitatory when necessary without causing harm.

    9. Resilience to Neurological Disorders

    • Keeping glutamate levels in balance can offer some protection against neurological disorders that are associated with excitotoxicity, such as Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and epilepsy.

    10. Overall Sense of Well-being

    • With all these factors combined, balanced glutamate levels contribute to an overall sense of well-being. You would feel mentally sharp, emotionally stable, and physically healthy.

Combined Recommendations and Benefits

Embracing Brain Health Naturally

Recommendations to Balance Neurotransmitters

Print-friendly PDF of combined recommendations (two pages)

Organic Food:

  • vegetables (especially asparagus, beets, bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, chard, parsley, spinach, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes)
  • fruits (especially avocados, bananas, citrus fruits, kiwi, and strawberries and other berries)
  • whole grains (especially oats) and quinoa
  • legumes (especially black beans and other beans, lentils, peas, and chickpeas)
  • nuts (especially almonds, cashews, and walnuts; plus peanuts)
  • seeds (especially chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds)
  • cacao powder
  • fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh
  • mushrooms
  • soy products like tofu and tempeh
  • spicy foods like chili peppers
  • algae omega supplements
  • foods fortified in B12, D and iron
  • in general foods that are enjoyable or linked to comfort

Foods Above Provide These Key Nutrients:

  • vitamins B6, B9 (folate), B12, C and D
  • iron (non-heme)
  • magnesium
  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • phenylalanine
  • tryptophan
  • tyrosine
  • zinc
  • glutamine


  • diets high in sugar, saturated fats, MSG, or artificial additives
  • processed foods
  • overeating
  • social isolation
  • caffeine
  • high stress
  • poor sleep


  • getting enough sleep
  • regular exposure to natural light
  • mindfulness practices like meditation
  • regular physical activity
  • laughter
  • volunteering
  • physical touch (human and animals)
  • social bonding
  • acts of kindness
  • stress management techniques
  • mentally stimulating activities
  • activities that you enjoy and find rewarding
  • activities that give a sense of accomplishment
  • maintaining good mental health practices

Varied Exercise Routine:

  • aerobic exercises like jogging or, running, cycling, and swimming
  • high-intensity activities like sprinting, weight lifting, and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)
  • stress reducing activities like yoga, tai chi, and Pilates
  • social exercises like group classes, team sports, or partnered activities like dancing


30-60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity most days of the week.

Nature-Based Activities:
Spending time in sunlight: Exposure to sunlight increases vitamin D levels, which is linked to serotonin production.
Gardening: Engaging with nature and seeing the results of your efforts can increase dopamine levels. Engaging in strenuous gardening activities like digging can also release endorphins.
Community gardening: Working with others to nurture plants fosters a sense of community and bonding.
Hiking in nature: Exploring new trails provides a sense of achievement and discovery.
Walking in nature: Regular walks in green spaces can improve mood and increase serotonin levels.
Forest bathing (Shinrin-yoku): The practice of being in nature and taking in the forest atmosphere can promote relaxation and increase GABA levels.
Running or brisk walking in parks: Physical activity, especially in green spaces, can trigger endorphin release.
Adventure sports in nature: Activities like rock climbing or kayaking can increase alertness and norepinephrine levels.
Cycling or mountain biking: Vigorous exercise can elevate norepinephrine, improving focus and energy.
Cold water swimming: Exposure to cold water can boost norepinephrine.
Learning new outdoor skills: Activities like survival skills, orienteering, or birdwatching can stimulate the brain.
Foraging for wild foods: The anticipation and reward of finding food can boost dopamine.
Problem-solving games in outdoor settings: Participating in treasure hunts or geocaching can boost glutamate and improve learning capabilities.
Interactive nature trails: Engaging with educational content about the environment or participating in citizen science projects can enhance cognitive functions.
Meditation outdoors: Practices like yoga or meditation in natural settings can enhance inner peace and serotonin.
Sitting by a lake: Quiet, contemplative activities near water can help induce a meditative state that increases GABA.
Laughing and socializing outdoors: Group activities or sports can be fun and stimulate endorphin production.
Outdoor group fitness classes: Exercising together can build social connections and boost oxytocin.
Tai chi or Qi Gong in nature: These gentle exercises can calm the mind and reduce stress.
Pet walking or animal care: Interacting with animals can increase oxytocin levels.

Benefits of Balanced Neurotransmitters

  • Appropriate Response to Stimuli
  • Better Sleep Patterns
  • Boosted Pleasure During Physical Activity
  • Controlled Excitability
  • Decreased Risk of Substance Abuse
  • Effective Cognitive Functioning
  • Enhanced Group Cohesion and Cooperation
  • Enhanced Immune System Function
  • Enhanced Learning and Memory
  • Enhanced Motivation
  • Enhanced Parental Behaviors
  • Enhanced Social Connections and Bonding
  • Good Mental Health
  • Healthy Appetite and Digestion
  • Healthy Reward System
  • Improved Focus and Concentration
  • Improved Mood Regulation
  • Improved Natural Pain Management
  • Improved Response to Physical Activity
  • Improved Self-Esteem
  • Increased Sexual Satisfaction
  • Increased Stress Resilience
  • Increased Trust and Empathy
  • Optimal Alertness and Energy
  • Optimal Brain Function
  • Overall Physical and Mental Well-being
  • Overall Sense of Contentment
  • Reduced Anxiety and Fear
  • Reduced Dependency on Substances
  • Reduced Incidence of Physical Symptoms of Stress
  • Reduced Risk of Depression
  • Resilience to Neurological Disorders
  • Social Ease and Comfort
  • Stable Blood Pressure
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Regarding Food Recommendations: It's important to have a diverse and balanced diet to ensure all nutrient needs are met. Also important is to include these foods in a way that is enjoyable and sustainable for you. Consulting with a dietitian, particularly one experienced in plant-based nutrition, is recommended to tailor these suggestions to your specific needs.

Regarding Exercise Recommendations: It's important to note that the exact duration and type of exercise for optimal neurotransmitter balance can vary greatly depending on individual factors like age, fitness level, and overall health. Also, the benefits of exercise are not just limited to neurotransmitter optimization; physical activity has numerous health benefits and can improve overall well-being. As always, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have existing health concerns.

Source: ChatGPT 4


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